Welcome to the ScopeSim_Templates Documentation!

logo Another tool from the A* Vienna software team

A library of templates and helper functions for creating scopesim.source.source.Source objects that can be used to run ScopeSim simulations.

In short scopesim.source.source.Source objects contain a description of the spatial and spectral information of the source. For more information see here.


July 2022: The downloadable content server was retired and the data migrated to a new server.

ScopeSim_templates v0.4.2 and above have been redirected to a new server URL. For older verions, please either upgrade to the latest version (pip install --upgrade scopesim_templates), or follow these instructions to update the server URL in the config file.


This package has been released on PyPi:

pip install scopesim_templates

From basic to advanced helper functions

ScopeSim Templates is a python package, and is therefore by nature infinitely extendable.

As it is impossible for us to know all the details about your specific science case, we provide a small selection of basic objects (star cluster, elliptical galaxy, etc). Feel free to start with these to get started with ScopeSim.

However if your needs outgrow the basic objects, we encourage you to extended the objects to fit your specific science case. In this case we strongly encourage you to get in contact with us adding your code in the form of a subpackage. You can do this either by opening an issue on Github, or by emailing one of the developers.

Available subpackages

Documentation for all the helper functions contained in each package can be found in the API documentation for each package.

  • stellar:
    • star(): Places a single star on the field

    • stars(): Places a list of stars on the field

    • cluster(): Creates an age=0 cluster with a user selected mass

    • stars_field(): Creates field of stars with random positions

    • star_grid(): Creates a field of stars with regular positions

  • extragalactic
    • galaxy(): A simple sersic model with a user selected SED from the speXtra database

    • galaxy3D(): A more complex model that includes a velocity field and velocity dispersion field

    • spiral_two_component(): Simple two component model with an outer spiral young SED and an old SED bulge

    • elliptical(): Another sersic model using the Brown SEDs

  • misc
    • point_source(): similar to star() but using any SED from the speXtra database

    • uniform_source(): Creates a uniform source with any SED from speXtra

    • source_from_image_hdu(): creates a source from an ImageHDU with an arbitrary flux and scale

    • source_from_imagehdu_with_flux(): creates a source from an ImageHDU where the flux/pixel is known

    • source_from_file(): Load the source from a fits file. Depending on the characteristics other

      functions may be more suitable

    • source_from_array(): General function to create a source from a 2D numpy array

    • source_from_cube(): Wrapper to create a source from a 3D datacube

  • calibration:
    • empty_sky(): To simulate a sky without no other sources

    • lamp(): Simulates a calibration lamp, i.e. a homogenous source with emissions lines

    • flat_field(): Simulates a flat field


If you find an issue with ScopeSim Templates, please let us know via the Github issues page
